Thursday, May 03, 2007

Bob Dylan Goes to Kindergarten

From the New York Post:
KINDERGARTEN kids in ritzy L.A. suburb Calabasas have been coming home to their parents and talking about the "weird man" who keeps coming to their class to sing "scary" songs on his guitar. The "weird" one turns out to be Bob Dylan, whose grandson (Jakob Dylan's son) attends the school. He's been singing to the kindergarten class just for fun, but the kiddies have no idea they're being serenaded by a musical legend - to them, he's just Weird Guitar Guy.
They have even less idea that they're being serenaded by Advanced Weirdo Guitar Guy. I also find it amusing that he never plays guitar in concert anymore, but he does play it for a kindergarten class. And finally, I heard that he got booed the third time he came in because he showed up with an electric guitar and Al Kooper.

(Thanks to Jimmy Page's Sweater Vest)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i've been wierd guitar guy before. but it wasn't at school it was at the pawn shop and they kept telling me that i couldn't afford the 42$ balsa wood epiphone. I pulled my pants down and sang yankee doodle to the tune of walk on the wildside.